Wavy Marketplace - Fiji McAlpine Yoga
A photo depicting Fiji McAlpine Yoga
Wavy Experience Partner

Fiji McAlpine Yoga

I'm Fiji McAlpine, an ERYT 500 certified yoga teacher with a passion for guiding students through transformative journeys on and off their mats. My ability to teach effectively and authentically online has allowed me lead over 100,000 students deeper into their journey of yoga and connection to self. Having trained extensively in California, Costa Rica, and Canada, I've honed a strong teaching style that empowers my students to face challenges fearlessly with unwavering support and guidance. In my classes, I often remind students that life is a continuous process of growth and change. Yoga provides us with the opportunity to be fully present and active participants in our own evolution. Every movement on the mat matters, and I encourage my students to make each one precise and purposeful. I lead small and large groups through intentional wellness modules based on movement, breath work, mindfulness, and nutrition. Groups can choose the focus that would best serve their needs and desire to lead and live a full and vibrant life.

5 experiences